青客公寓:金广杰辞任董事长职务 屈成才接任
来源:中国网地产 2021-01-28 22:23:37
中国网地产讯 1月28日晚间,青客公寓公告称,改组董事会,并选举高级管理人员。
Mr. Guangjie Jin has resigned as chief executive officer, chairman of the board of directors, director, chairman and member of the compensation committee and chairman and member of the nominating and corporate governance committee of the Company, effective January 28, 2021.
Ms. Qiong Hong has resigned as a director and member of the nominating and corporate governance committee of the Company, effective January 28, 2021.
Mr. Zhaochun Zheng, Ms. Kaiyu Yao, and Mr. Wing Cheung Ryan Law have resigned as directors of the Company, effective January 28, 2021.
自2021年1月28日起,Qiong Hong 女士已辞去公司董事兼提名和公司治理委员会成员职务。Zhaochun Zheng先生,Kaiyu Yao女士和罗永章先生已辞任公司董事、于2021年1月28日生效。
Mr. Chengcai Qu, Q&K’s director, chief operating officer and vice president, has been aPPointed as chairman of the board of directors, chief executive officer, chairman and member of the compensation committee and chairman and member of the nominating and corporate governance committee of the Company, effective January 28, 2021.
公告称,青客公寓董事,首席运营官兼副总裁Chengcai Qu(屈成才)先生已被任命为董事会主席,首席执行官,薪酬委员会主席兼成员以及提名和公司治理委员会主席兼成员。于2021年1月28日生效。